Delayed onset of pain from sprained ankle

I sprained my ankle about two weeks ago. I treated it in accordance with advice you have given to prior questions about ankle sprains After the first day, the ankle was very swollen and had limited range of motion, but there was little pain. Until two days ago, the range of motion kept increasing and there continued to be little if any pain. The swelling is almost entirely gone (wonderful bruises still remain), but I am now experiencing much more pain on the outside of the ankle; especially when I get out of bed in the morning. Would you advise going to see a doctor, or should I just stay the course and continue moving as much as pain allows?



It’s not clear from this description whether medical evaluation would be beneficial, though I am not discouraging you from seeing a doc about this either. We are limited in prognostic ability via the forums, however. A consultation with our rehab staff is likely to be more appropriate, which can be obtained through our website.

In the meantime, check out our article on ankle sprains: