Hi doctors,
I experience in my right hand while using PC input devices (keyboard/mouse) and am looking for evidence based resources helping me manage my issue. I have read your guide to tendinopathy The Barbell Medicine Guide to Tendinopathy and was wondering if you know of similar approaches to pc/overuse related problems?
I am in my thirties, have no pain related problems during other activities including strength training, and ultrasound/mrt found no correlates to the pain.
All the best and thanks in advance
Hi Jeremia,
Welcome to the forum. May I ask, what’s the issue specifically?
Hi Jordan,
thanks for the quick reply! I have pain in the right and left carpometacarpal joint of the index finger or the tendon below the joint (hope I got that right. the joint connecting my index finger to the rest of my hand in any case) while typing or using a mouse. When symptoms get worse the pain is also there without using keyboard/mouse.
The pain in the right hand started a couple of months ago, the pain in the left hand in December. Symptoms become more severe the more I use a computer.
I went to a orthopedist who ordered an MRI which showed no correlates to the pain in my joints. The orthopedist concluded I am probably prone to overuse associated inflammation in my hands, and suggested immobilizing my hand for 3-7 days till symptoms subside, but expects that ‘this will never go away completely’ and I should focus on reducing computer use as much as possible on a long term basis. I feel I got noceboed badly and am looking for a better approach to manage my problem.
I see. I think this is likely to benefit from a consultation to further assess the issue and provide some ongoing recommendations. There are limitations with this format.
In any case, I’d personally pursue some hand/grip strengthening exercises, switch to a track pad (vs a mouse), schedule regular breaks from computer use, and address any other ergonomic issues.
Thank you very much! A consultation sounds great but I can’t afford it at the moment. I’ll try to implement the changes and to safe some money and see how things develop
All the best