my name is yehonatan and i am 16.
on week 3 at day 5 of the bridge, when i did the first set of deadlifts at RPE 8 with 115 kilos i felt quite an unpleasent headache, it wasnt so bad ias to stop me from talking , i was fully conscious and not dizzy at all, but it was really unpleasent. I finished the workout as intended and i believe the headache subsided but it was still there (it was also accmpanied with a sort of tiredness i think, but that might be somewhat of a nocebo).
Waking up the next morning i think i felt that the headache was almost entirely gone.
2 rest days after the incident, i did the workout as in the program, it was fine but when i reached around RPE 7-8 the headache came back.
Again it felt much better after the night(i didnt sleep good at all that night so i still felt it, or it was just a feeling of tiredness).
in the workout after that, the only pull was a row and i did not feel the headache.
After a nights sleep i felt better again but what was really strange to me is that doing chinups in the gpp workout triggerd it again.
the day after the GPP workout it flet like it was almost gone like after evey night.
when i did my deadlifts i hoped it wont come again but when i reached 115 kilos which should have been around RPE 7 it came back. Again i completed the workout even tho i felt a slight headache/tiredness.
since then i did not train(my last workout was on saturday and today is monday)and i have not really had a headache again.
I went to my family doctor and she told me not to lift weights for 7-10 days, she sent me to check my blood pressure as well as do an ECG, both of which came out just fine.
Some things that might be worth mentioning are that i did not get the best sleep for the last 10 days or so due to coming back to school after holidays.
Also 3 monsths ago i had a very mild cocussion, i don’t think it is relevent just wanted to point it out to be sure.
my questions are, what is it? When and how should i return to training? Lastly, can i prevent it from happening again? If so how?
sorry for writing so much and thank you in advance!
Hi there,
Did you get any medical attention for your concussion? That may be more relevant than you think. If you do not have a history of headaches, it may be worth getting evaluated by a neurologist or headache doctor, and be sure to let them know about the concussion.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you when you should return to training from here, sorry.
Hey austin,
Thank you very much for the response!
I was doing thai boxing for a while and stopped as i was told that if i will do it hardcore for a lot of time it can f up my head and since then i have been very cautious with anything that has to do with my head as that scared me.
After the concussion (which was accidental, not in thai boxing as i stopped that) i went to a family doctor to be on the safe side, she told me its very minor and that i could train again in a few days to a week.
I did not train for about a month after that to be safe and because i had things going on in my life.
I do not think i have a history of headaches and i will get checked out by a neurologist.
After what i wrote here, do you still think it has to do with the cocussion? Or might it be something else?
I thought it might br something with the neck muscles as i think i felt my neck reigion when the headache first happend.
thanks again!
It’s really quite difficult to give you a confident opinion as to the cause of your headaches, unfortunately.
Hey there austin,
i went to 2 neourologists as you suggested, both of them sent me to a ct angiography.
I have done the ct and the results came out fine. The neurologist i sent the results to said all is fine and i should resume training.
My question to you is, after around a month of no training how should i return? should i take it extra slow or something due to the past headaches that made me take the 1 month break?
I have already done a wokout in which i worked up to 1 set of 5 squats at 80 kilos at around RPE 8, 1 set of 5 press at 40 kilos at around RPE 8 and lastly a set of 5 reps of deadlift at 80 kilos at RPE 6-7.
I went easy on the deadlift as i am being cautious.
Thanks for everything!
It doesn’t sound like there’s anything to be afraid of, so I’d return to training just like you would in any other situation. No need to be “extra” slow, just ramp up your training as tolerated.
Thank you very much!