Hey BBM,
Long time lurker first time poster. Recently, I have been experiencing headaches of varying degree in the back of my head while do compound movements. The headache’s intensity and duration varies with what RPE I lift at, for instance, the worst one I had was while I was dead-lifting at RPE 8. For that, I had intense pain and the feeling that I was going to pass out and the associated headache lasted around 3 days. For something that is RPE 5 or less, I usually just have a slight pain that persist through the training session and dissipates slowly throughout the rest of the day. For the time being, I have stopped my sets at the point of mild pain and have been able to train somewhat reliably at this level the only issue being the weight are the bar continuing to go down. I have gone to a two doctors and have had some CAT scans and nothing appears to be out of the ordinary. The doctors have basically told me to just layoff for a while or tone it down and when I try to explain that I am lifting close to 50% of my 1 rep max they just said I need to take it down some more. I am kind of at a loss for what my next steps should be as this has been going on for 3 weeks where the headaches start appearing earlier and earlier in the sets.
So I guess my questions is has anyone experienced this or coached someone experiencing this and if you have do you have any recommendations on where I could go from here?
Any direction or recommendation would be appreciated, thanks.
TL;DR head hurt what do?