Fall Training Templates - GPP/End Pendlay Rows AMRAP

I’m about to start to GPP/Endurance template and as I’m reading through it, I have a question about how to implement the 8 min of Pendlay Rows on Day 3.

For 8 min chinups/pullups, I just assume I’m using BW (hopefully thats accurate). For Pendlay Rows though, I’m not sure what to pick as a weight and how exactly to organize my 8 minutes. Can you give any insight into how to set this up?


You are correct on the chinups/pull ups. For the rows, pick a weight that allows you to do sets of about 8 reps (with 2-3 reps left in the tank). You start the timer, do a set, rest briefly, then repeat. You should plan to increase the bar weight from week to week and keep in mind that the goal in the AMRAP is to accumulate volume.

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