GPP Endurance AMRAP Limits

Hey Drs.

Got another question for you guys

I’m currently in the 2nd week of the Endurance GPP. I’m wondering, what’s the upper/lower limit to AMRAP workouts? If I do 240 pendlay rows in 8 minutes (1 every 2 seconds) I’m probably not challenging/improving myself. However, if I do 8 heavy rows in 8 minutes, I would think I’m not really improving endurance. For example, this morning I did 42 Pendlay rows in 8 minutes with a 115 lb barbell @RPE 7-8 or @BES 4-5 (lolz). Monday I did 28 chinups in 8 minutes with 115 lb assist from the Gravitron @RPE 8-9 (I went to failure once or twice). Are these good amounts in regards to the Endurance bias?

Thanks again!

Depends what the goal of the GPP work is. I’d argue that the overarching goals for GPP should be to improve general physical development that are not addressed to a great degree in either sports-specific training (practice) or regular programming. For the GPP Endurance template, I think the biases are on cardiorespiratory endurance and strength with less emphasis on hypertrophy. With that in mind, your thought experiment with 240 pendlay rows provides a greater hypertrophy response than 8 heavy rows.

In your practical example, 42 and 28 reps are totally fine and I’d aim to increase your reps each time you.

For reference, I did 90-95 reps (hard to be sure each set was 15 reps) of rows at 275lbs in 7 min for my GPP yesterday. I plan on going to 100 or so and then either switching the movement or increasing the load. The decision on which to do depends on other factors, of course.

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Jordan, when you say you did 90-95 of 15r sets in 7min did you basically do a set EMOM?

Off the back of this Jordan, do you think there’s any value at all in rotating through GPP exercises for the same reasons we rotate through supplemental lifts? E.g. a few weeks of ab wheel rollouts, then a few weeks of planks, etc.

I’m glad Chefjrd asked this question since I did my first Pendlay row AMRAP last night. Since I had previously done 115 lb for a set of 8, I decided to try the AMRAP at 115. However, after 4 reps, I decided to restart at 110 lb and got 42 reps at 110 lb in 8 min.

For the Pendlay Row AMRAP, do you recommend doing warm up sets? Last night, I didn’t do any warm ups for the AMRAP.