Hi docs,
Looking for other options and trying to determine if there’s anything else that I can do to move my levels back into a “normal” range. I’ll just bullet point everything out that I’ve done so far:
- Genetic component comes from mom’s side (she found out after I mentioned that mine was high 3 years ago, hadn’t seen a doctor in ~10 years). Dad is also on cholesterol meds (lipitor) but is significantly overweight, his levels are now under control. Both are in medicine so I was kind of surprised they didn’t look at this stuff.
- I’m 38 year old male, training consistently for 10+ years, have been following BBM templates for the last 2ish years. (increased emphasis on cardio aspect of GPP the last year & increased steps/day). Just finished strength 3 last month, focusing on slightly higher volume with powerbuilding 2, increasing the gpp component a bit.
- I cut out most dietary sources of cholesterol after my physical in Feb 2020 (red meat, eggs, cheese, etc) and have added non-animal sources for fats (nuts, EVOO, etc). I’ve been 80-90% compliant with this. Diet prior to that was higher in animal saturated fat (beef, bacon, etc).
- Used an app to macro track and have lost 20+lbs since the end of October (218 end october → 195 early march). Currently taking a maintenance phase to just chill out mentally, plan on losing another 10 lbs later this year. Waist is down from ~39" to 35". (rp diet app so mostly low fat, high lean protein, a lot of veg/whole grains)
- Fiber increase from 20ish per day, up to 40-50/day consistently (fruits/veg/whole grains/nuts, etc).
- At my physical over the last few years, cholesterol has come up as the main issue. It was ~250 total last year (40HDL). Had a non-fasted finger poke test at work a month ago (270 total, 43 hdl). I think I expected it to go down after being very consistent with the diet/weight loss/etc.
- Heart scan 2 years ago had a 0 value (i don’t remember what this measures, but it was cheap so i did it)
Met with my primary care last week. I asked if there was pharmaceutical help that we could start so I’m on 10mg/day lipitor. Followup blood work in 2 months. I’m planning on just maintaining my weight here until mid-June after our covid postponed wedding reception.
My question for you is: what else can I do in the interim between now and my blood test in may to try to drive my cholesterol numbers lower? Just stay the course with what I have been doing and cross my fingers that the meds do their job? I think I’ve checked most of the boxes aside from becoming a vegan.
This is incredibly frustrating.