Hi folks. Just started strengthlifting II this week, but I’m not exactly sure how the overload squat works. I’ve looked online but seems too many variations for me! Can anyone give me a link to see exactly what I should be doing?I seem to have missed this variation in my years at the gym! Cheers
If you check out the text in the spreadsheet where “Overload Squat” is listed, you’ll see this message:
“Overload Squat
The overload squat is equipment dependent. . I would prefer the sqauat w/ chains (using ~20% 1RM in chain weight), to squat w/ bands, to squat w/ knee wraps, to safety squat bar or buffalo bar, but all are good options. Use the same variation each week. If you have a history of shoulder issues with the low bar squat, consider preferentially using the SSB squat variation or high bar squat.”
So, pick one of these if you can