Genetic Potential

Hello and here’s the scuttlebutt.
I am currently 53, i have strength trained on and off for many years, did strongman training and crossfit yuck.
At 18 I could run 3 miles in 15 minutes, unofficial, pre boot camp, but it still beats Alan’s 18’1" time

Uhh … what


Uhh…what would be a correct response to that.
The rest of what I wrote didn’t post, so here it is.
At 18 I could run 3 miles in 15 minutes which beats Alan Thralls 18’ 1" 3 mile run ( as he stated on his nostalgic YouTube video), at 19 I was squatting 505 for 6-7 reps, my workset.
Two years ago at 51 I Deadlifted 415 for 4.
I have a grade 1/2 anterlothesis and just a bit of arthritis in my spine.
I have been doing SS for about three months and my squat is 310 across, HOP 160 across and deadlift 310 for I set, and getting stronger.
my recovery ability seems to say 2 days a week instead of the 3 days a week.
Based on your experience and with this limited info do you think I can get back to a 505 squat, 500 deadlift and 200 plus press?

The deadlift and press numbers seem possible, if you’re willing to train enough. The squat will probably be more challenging, but who knows?

Semper FI mjwurtz thanks for the info that is encouraging being that your older than me lol. I don’t have injuries like yours, just an anterlothesis grade1/2, if I can keep from tweaking my lower back hip region I will definitely train enough, that won’t be an issue as I usually run my self into the ground if I’m not careful.
Recovery ability is an issue.
Thanks again

What type of helo?
Why did it crash?

Austin I know based on your experince you said the squats would be a challenge, could you expand on that?
Age related, recovery, nutrition…

No … just because it’s a higher goal than your deadlift, and most people pull more than they squat.

How do I start a forum?

Got thanks.