Goals for 2019

Let’s hear some goals for 2019! I just tested my maxes last week and I hit a 550 dead, 425 squat, 350 bench and 240 press. For 2019 I am aiming to get close to benching 405, squatting 500, deadlifting in the 600’s and a bodyweight Press of 260. I’d also like to actually watch what I eat and maybe work on being a little less fat for once. What are your guys’ 2019 goals?

Good topic and good luck to you with your goals

I just joined Group Programming for the January group so hoping that helps quite a bit. My goals are 400 squat (currently e1RM 348) Bench 250 (204) Dead 440 (348) and side goal of 150 press (121). I’d also like to slowly gain muscle up to 205 (currently 190). The biggest goal which I I can’t quantify is to be more consistent. I’ve been good for the past 4 weeks (holiday nutrition wasn’t great) so I know I’m just gonna hop back into this week.

Some say that sharing your goals is not that good, but let’s go!

My main goal is to get back to lifting after some months out of focus and then 1 month off. There will probably be another month off until I’m able to find a new routine, given the change of gym, change of marital status, change of job, change of continent…

Given I’m able to fulfill this first goal, I’m aiming at 200kg squat and 500lbs DL. Not very big jumps (some 15kg), but i think they are nice round numbers to use as a target.

Not particularly ambitious, but: compete in the PL meet that I’ve signed up for in early February, and set some PRs while at it. Keep training injury-free afterwards.

Awesome! Keep em comin

As at end 2018 (or near enough) at a BW of 84.5kgs with a waist of 92cms (36 inches) my lifts at 1@8 (or thereabouts) were squat 140kgs, press 62.5kgs, bench press 90kgs, deadlift 180kgs.

My goals are to (more short term goals than specifically this year per se): 1. get down to circa 15% (calculated to be around 75kgs at 80cm waist)
2. keep lifts circa the same until I get to target body composition
3. increase consistency of training (moving to 4 day training + 2 GPP = 6 days per week)
4. maintain body composition for 3 to 4 months or so
5. slow bulk and strength gain Longer term goals are to stay around 15% body fat, not get above 85cms waist (33.5 inches), get up to 90kgs total body weight, squat 180kgs (396lbs), press 100kgs (220lbs), bench press 140kgs (308), and deadlift 220kgs (484lbs).

There is a second kiddo on the way (early May), so life will take precedence; however, the big ones I am going to focus on are consistency of training, fat loss and maintaining said body composition. The strength and muscle gain will come.


I’m about to finish my first year of consistent lifting, so I’m not sure how this year will go as far as progressing almost weekly. But here’s what I’m hoping for in 2019.

Squat: 405 (current: 330)
Bench: 315 (270)
Deadlift: 500 (410)

If things go really well, maybe I can hit 450/330/550.

I want to add 100 pounds to each of my lifts. Currently at 415/345/265 D/S/B.

Do I think this is reasonable? Probably for dL and squat but not bench. Really I would be ecstatic to hit 500/400/300 at some point during the year. My stretch goal is a 2x body weight squat…damn being tall!

My current weight and 1rm’s :
Weight - 205 lb
Squat - 365
Bench - 235
Deadlift - 385

My 2019 Goals:
Weight - 215 lb
Squat - 415
Bench - 275
Deadlift - 465

A 1x body weight 1@8 Deadlift. 25 lbs one to go one way or the other.

I got back into training seriously again this past September. I did Bridge 2.0 and had great results (shed some pounds and all time PR deadlift at 515 (with at least another 10 lbs in the tank), near previous strength in squat, bench, and press). Ended the year with 7week 4day hypertrophy and that went less well, mainly cuz I drank and ate too heavily.

Year long goals are:
weigh sub-200lbs
DL 550
Squat 475
Bench 275
Press 200

2019 is young but off to a solid start. Hit a PR set of 5 in the DL today.

Some inspiring goals here.
I am going to stop being a sook and blaming my work and other lifestyle constraints for not being able to train, and just get the work done anyway.
I have just kicked off the 4 day ST template and, at the end of the program, am aiming for:
SQ 175kg (165 current)
DL 200kg (188 current)
BP 120kg (115 current)
PR 80kg (75 current)
49yo, 85kg (188lb) waist 36" (which will probably increase over the next 12 weeks).
Good luck guys.


  1. Weight around 180lbs (or get BF around 20%)
  2. Deadlift 315x5x1
  3. Squat 275x5x3
  4. Bench 225x5x3
  5. Pullups 3 sets of 10

Not miss a single rep, set, exercise, or workout for the entire year. I think consistency and showing up to do the work, even when life gets shitty, is the biggest thing for getting jackeder and stronger. So that’s what I want to accomplish.


For 2019:

Bodyweight: ~218lbs; waist 38.5"
Deadlift: 350#
Squat: 335#
Bench: 230#

Shooting for:
Body Comp: 200-205lbs; lower waist measurement accordingly
Deadlift: Break 400#
Squat: Break 400#, though 375# would be satisfying
Bench: 275#

Again, these are goals, but the desire to achieve keeps the fire burning. Also started out 2019 putting together a garage gym so hopefully balancing Work/Dad life allows for no missed training. I’d say changing body composition is atop of the goals list. Should be fun!

My goal is to try a competition. I’ve wanted to for a while now, but my social anxiety has kept me from taking the plunge. Hopefully I’ll manage to man up and just do it!

And of course I want to get stronger.
Current e1rm’s:
Squat 220kg
Bench 170kg
Deadlift 230kg
Press 97.5kg

Squat 240kg
Bench 180kg
Deadlift 250kg
Press 110kg (Bw)

I’m trying to lose some weight, 20 pounds to exact. I’m currently at 225 pounds. I’m not obese but I am definitely FAT. I gained weight -originally 183 pounds- running 5-3-1 to jack up my lifts. which worked but now I’m not so sure it was a good idea. I did it too quickly and put on more fat than I wanted. So now I want to lose weight and I have this in mind. deload my training max while on a caloric deficit and rerun the bridge and HLM a few times with a block of the 7 week hypertrophy program (each of which I own and have completed in the past) in between… once I reach the desired weight I can slowly reinstate my maintenance calories and run either one of the 12 week templates.

what do you guys think? all criticisms and suggests are welcome.

For me, it’s improved consistency when things get hectic (that’s where I usually slack). I’m just going to focus on getting in some amount of stress during super busy weeks when I have to travel. To help get started with that, I’ve already searched and contacted gym owners in other cities on my travel list about drop-in fees and schedules.

The second is to be more deliberate with working around niggling pains, which is also an area I slack in. If I get a pain in one area of the body, then it tends to make me lose my motivation to train in general. I want to continue pushing other lifts even if I have to drop the load for others due to these issues. I’ve already had to do that last week due to some golfer’s elbow. I dropped the load for my GPP curl work, and replaced chin ups with some lighter lever rows. Also deloaded bench presses which also seemed to flare my arm up. Feels much better already this week, and I maintained my lifting loads everywhere else, so that is a huge success for me in terms of approach and execution.

Other goal is to get down under 15% BF by the Navy Method, maybe as low as 12% or wherever a 33-34" waist puts me. I’m currently at 36" and 19%, which is down from 39" and 24% when I started two years ago. I hope to do this by early spring, which will set me up nicely for beach season as well a more controlled caloric surplus gain over the summer and fall. Accurate or not, I did the calculations last night, which say I’ve put on 17lbs of lean body mass in 2 years while dropping 3" off my waist. Not bad for a dude in his mid 40’s who really wasn’t as committed at times as he should have been to all this.

Next is cardio/GPP, where I am the least consistent. I will not neglect or miss this in 2019.

Finally my e1RM on bench right now is 303lbs. The most I’ve ever benched is 280x1@8. I’d like to get video of 315 for a single sometime this year. Only reason I have that as a goal is that I remember that seeming like a crazy amount of weight when I was in high school and college. It seems easily attainable now. For the other big lifts, just want to see those continue to go up slowly.

I turn 65 next month, 6’, 204 pounds. In 2019 I’m hoping to qualify for the raw nationals in October, which means hitting a total of 1097 pounds as 93-kg-bodyweight competitor at a meet before then. Last March I made 1105 pounds at a USAPL meet in Albuquerque and I want to beat that this year. I’m hoping for a 400 pound squat, 500 dead, and 270 bench. My current estimated 1RM: 376 squat, 263 bench, 496 deadlift. Just need to stay healthy!

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