Hi Austin and Jordan, first off thanks again for all of the information it is incredibly valuable to me and I appreciate it.
Male 175 5’10" 23 first time touching a barbell was August, gained 25 doing sslp and bridge so far
Im on week 6 day 2 of the bridge v1.0 and things are going great so far my ERM’s (S,B,D) have gone from 325 to 364, 250 to 281, and 415 to 460.
Ive been trying to make 2019 lifting number goals for all of January, and I cant tell what is realistic and what is to far stretched. I know i wont be able to keep adding thirty pounds to my lifts every eight weeks but i like having some big numbers to shoot for written on my whiteboard. So my question is what would be on the high end of the spectrum of being attainable this year? Thanks again