Starting 7th week of bridge next week and planning ahead.
BW unchanged(6’ 1", 180, 34" WC 43 male), I’m confident deadlift is up 360:1@9, to 405:1@8.5. Squat is up, though the exact numbers are amorphous as I work through depth, form and LBBS transition. OHP/Bench are, within a margin of error, where they were at the start. (305:1@9, 165:1@9, 235:1@9 respectively–having a tough time hitting 8 on singles).
Qualitatively I’m 100% certain my quads protrude further over my knees than they did before. I did not feel fatigued (except in the few hours immediately post-workout) during the program; and was always excited to be able to go and train.
I love the progress I’m making on the DL and squat, but I’d also love to be making progress on the bench/OHP.
Evaluating the following options with that in mind (continued DL/Squat improvement, additional bench/OHP):
- Run Bridge again (I would expect to continue to make progress on DL/squat)
- Run Strength 1.0
- Run Bridge 3.0
- ???
I could also add some calories, but I wanted to try to first tease out any other recomp potential and all of my goals are long term, so I’d prefer to avoid a program that lets me put up big numbers at the cost of long term progress.