grip on barbell overhead press


The best grip for overhead press is the power grip with pinched fingers just like the bench press?

It’s mostly personal preference, but I don’t personally think the “Bulldog Grip” works that well for OHP. I prefer the bar to be a little lower (anatomically - towards the fingers) in the hand compared to the Bulldog grip used on the bench press. Yes, you generate some wrist extension (and moment), but getting the bar in contact with the chest/shoulders allows for better force transfer into the barbell for this exercise IMO.

OK. I saw the Barbell Medicine video with Bench press. Is the power grip different from Bulldog grip because with bulldog grip you turn in your hands more it seems?

The power grip is not a term I use to describe a grip used in lifting, but rather is a term to describe the gripping strategy used to hold large/heavy objects. It is in contrast to the pincer grip for fine, delicate movements.

The Bulldog grip is a type of power grip where the bar is held quite high (anatomically) in the hand. The rotation of the forearm, arm, etc. is task specific.

So you recommend the bulldog grip for bench press? Thanks for all of these clarifications.

Yea, I personally don’t use the Bulldog grip for the overhead press, though it can be used. In my opinion, having a the bar in contact with the chest/shoulders to transfer force from the body to the barbell takes precedence over a neutral wrist. If someone could do both, great.

From the bench press video, it does not look like you turn your wrists in with the power grip as well as in your bench press videos. When could you turn wrists in?