HI BBM I understand it probably does not make a huge difference or does it ?
ive noticed recently with playing around with grip that I prefer my grip just outside my shoulders as I find I do a better job at keeping my back tight and get the bar lower and actually feel more stable and strong rather than a wide grip or wider grip I see many people use is this just personal preference or should I use or get used to a wider grip as it will benefit me later on ?
And i I also have a question on Jordan’s grip as I see he only holds the bar with few fingers and the rest are under the bar Is this just a comfortable grip for you or does it serve a performance purpose ?
We don’t think the grip really matters outside of creating a stable shelf for the barbell and keeping it secure in the context of being able to train with that grip a lot.
i do do have another question on grip but another exercise which is bench press
so I’ve signed up for my first powerlifting meet here in the uk 7months hoping to compete at 83kg so my question is:
my my current comp bench is 160kg @86kg but my grip is inside of the power rings so people would refer to this as a close grip in terms of how wide you see people in comp bench pointer finger on the power ring max grip width.
so should I try and train a wider grip to reduce the range of motion (even though I feel far weaker) or should I continue to use my current grip and just maximise that ? (Meet is 7months a way)
i feel so much stronger using a close grip on most exercises but I don’t know whether that’s just because I have larger arms or that’s just because I’ve trained with closer grips for a larger time due to comfort and find it easier to keep tight.
I think you could give a wider grip a try for ~3 months and see how that goes with respect to training outcomes. I too have a close grip , but I couldn’t get over the hump with a wider grip this meet prep.