I’m starting to compete in powerlifting and had a couple of questions.
I have always benched with a “normal” grip. About one full hands width out from the smooth. When I’ve benched with a wider grip it’s clearly weaker, and doesn’t feel like I’m driving through the bar as well. Should I slowly take my grip wider and force myself to adapt to benching with a wider grip to reduce the ROM, or just stick with what “feels good” and is clearly stronger. If I continue to use my normal grip should I not train close grip bench since my grip is already pretty narrow?
How do people decide to compete pulling sumo or conventional? Should I try pulling some lower intensity singles sumo to gauge where it is compared to my conventional pulls? I’ve pulled exclusively conventional for the better part of three years so Ill be surprised if sumo is stronger.
Do you have a video of your current bench press?
Additionally, what are your best numbers, how long have you been training, have you done a meet before, and when is your next meet?
I do not have a video of my bench. I’ve been essentially powerbuilding for 2-3 years, used to be a distance runner. I’ve never done a meet, I am competing beginning of October.
Squat - 350 (1@7)
Bench - 230 (1@9)
Deadlift - 395 (1@8)
Hard to say much regarding your bench grip’s suitability for your size and technique. In any case, I think your preferred style for the lifts are likely to evolve over time as you get more experience and get exposed to different things.
My recommendation would be to do some wide grip bench and moderate stance sumo work for a block or two now (or soon), when you’re far out from a meet. If you get the impression that you’re going to have the best performance with one specific style, I’d go with that and stick with it until proven otherwise.