Have you guys changed your overall sentiment (or maybe you never had one?) that conventional is generally preferred over sumo?
im a powerlifter who competes low bar/sumo. I made the switch from conventional to sumo probably 5-6 years ago after tweaking my lower back pretty badly pulling conventional. Ended up going to ER.
At the time I was led to believe it may have something to do with large amounts of volume/stress with low bar squatting and conventional and that I should try sumo.
Anyway, I’ve been pulling sumo ever since and find I can really grind reps without mental fear of a back tweak BUT - I have some interest in switching back to conventional.
is there anything to added risk with low back volume/stress when also low bar squatter? Any pros/cons to one over the other?
thjnking of running a full cycle with conventional and see how it compares but curious BBMs current take as I know in the past seems you generally prefer conventional.