Groing disconfort-Help


Its my first post here. Im, 21yo male. have been strength training for a while. I have a bodybuilding back ground. But now I want performance over abs. Austin and Jordan are my primary inspirers

Yesterday I hit 5 RM squat, and some 8RPE RDL’s. Since than I have been feeling some disconfort on my groin are. I wouldnt say it hurts. I am afraid it might be an inguinal hernia, but I could not find and kind of bulge or lump. When I squat or deadlift it doesnt hurt. But i just feel the light disconfort all the time .

My question is. What are the chances of this being an inguinal hernia? Should I go light next workout ?

Thanks for your attention.

Based on your description, you are probably okay, but we can’t tell you much about a hernia without assessing you.

Many of these sorts of aches and pains come and go over time. I would only adjust training loads if you notice that your symptoms are exacerbated by increasing load.