Hello Barbell medicine team!
For the past 6months, i have had gradually more pain when i squat, this is on the way up from the bottom!
I did the Strength 1 template, and have kept ignoring the pain since i could do the actual movement.
Now i cant sit down and extend my foot without severe pain that seems to come from the hamstring.
For about 6weeks its become more severe, and its painfull most of the time when im not training! This is spesific to my right foot, from the hip down to my legs.
When my foot is still its start hurting and my toes fall asleep!
I switched to powerbuilding template and only do squat once a week now and its only mild pain, i use Ibuprofen gel on my hip/hamstring and take about 1g paracet (norwegian brand) 3-4 times a day.
My doctor does not know anything about training, and have adviced me to just take walks and not train until i “feel” better! I need my training, pain or no pain!
Any advice for me?
I just turned 30, my body should not give up on me yet