Heavy lifting and hip arthroplasty

Tuesday I low-bar squatted 245 (35) and pulled 295 (15). Was completely fine afterwards. When I got home (10 minute drive) I had severe soreness and tightness immediately below the right hip and in the right glute. I had a total hip done 5 years ago. I don’t think I did any structural damage as I can walk, do stairs, etc. Tomorrow I plan to bench as usual, leg-press for ROM and maybe do rack pulls. My thought is I went below parallel and the musculature wasn’t used to it (have previously been doing high-bar and stopping at parallel. Anything you would add/change? Should I try to go below parallel with a hip implant? Should I do high-bar vs low? Do I need to get any imaging done at this point?



If you are previously “accessing” ROM that you have never reached before under the bar, you might need to be less aggressive with loading at first until the appropriate tissues adapt.

We routinely coach lifters post-THA who can low bar squat below parallel just fine.

We cannot make specific medical recommendations for you through this medium, unfortunately.

Thank you for the response; I will temper my enthusiasm.

Thank you for your response; I will temper enthusiasm.

I had FAI surgery in 2012 on my left hip at 50 yrs of age. It has been a slow, rollercoaster ride back (due to knee, hip, shoulder and illness resets,) but have set many PR’s since attending a SS Seminar in Champaign, IL in 2014. While I’m not setting the world on fire by any stretch, I’m happy to have recently PR’d with 265 on Squats, 360 DL’s, 155 Press, 260 Bench. I’m not competing so I just take it slow. The hip pain is tricky but with coaching and in my case, narrowing my stance slightly, I rarely experience it anymore. More importantly, I am usually able to figure out what caused it and make the adjustments. You definitely have to experiment a bit until you find what works for you. See if you can find a SS Coach Matt Reynolds squat video, his hips were a mess in 2014 and you would not believe the wts he moves with his heels 6"-8" apart! Oh, and make sure you are eating and sleeping enough!