Heel Pain

So I have some annoying discomfort in my heel. I don’t know when but it comes off and on. I think it comes when I wake up or when I am doing my GPP incline walk.

It is simply annoying, but not affecting my life in a major way. The doctors that I have access to in my country are not very lifting friendly and I haven’t shown it to anyone.

The pain goes away if I massage my heels

Is this a common ailment?

Is this related to my GPP, because I am not correlating, but it seem to coincide with the time I started GPP but I am not too sure. My GPP is just treadmill incline walk.

I just want an opinion if I should see a doctor.

It has been with me for almost 6 months now. It comes 2-3 times everyday. And then I forget because it is not that painful.

I am 41 and have been lifitng for 3/4 years now

Pain in the heel and I feel better if I rub the heel and upwards towards the ankle on the heel (not on akle)

Hey man, sorry to hear about your heel pain. This actually is not uncommon but is typically relatively easy to address. When you are saying your heel do you mean by your Achilles tendon or on the bottom of your foot? Either way, the typical means with which we start to address this is with some slow calf raises off a step. If the issue is more on the bottom of your foot I would recommend the iteration seen in the video I am linking below. If not, there is no need for the towel.


Thanks Doc. Let me try this. I think it is more on the heel