Help with elbow position in Bench/Press

Hey everyone,

While i do not have a form check video, i was just looking into some cues or tips some might have in ensuring correct elbow position under the bar in the bench and the press. I notice some improvement since I have been paying attention to it more and trying to focus on flaring more (i excessively tuck leading to pain at the bottom position of the bench previously and discomfort after workouts). I’d also like to note that while i am proficient with them, to avoid any further irritation I have not been doing pullups or chinups - just submaximal lat pulldowns.

Any cues or techniques worth exploring? For the bench I have widened my grip to be pinkies on the rings and that has helped some but I still feel that my elbows may be going too far in front of the bar at times as the weights get heavy. Also any tips in cueing correct bar path for the bench would be awesome too.

