Hiit Unstructions Unclear

Hello BBM Team,

I am a bit unclear on how exactly to perform HIIT training. I do conditioning on my Echo Bike and have so far stuck mostly to LISS Cardio in Zone 2 (based on the Zone Calculator at bbm.com). My question is: Could I get a detailed instruction on how to perform hiit? I would like to have something that looks like: do a 15 minute warm up in zone 1 or 2; then do hiit bouts in which you reach heart rates level of zone 4 or 5; during the 100s rest do nothing (or continue in zone 1?); if you overshoot end training prematurely, you’ll know when you‘ve overshot the intensity if x happens. Do a cooldown of x minutes at zone x or just stop training.

A detailed instruction would be much appreciated!

Kind regards



I think this article and podcast are likely to provide detailed answers for your questions.

Side note: bbm.com redirects to a Blackberry website. That’s news to me, but kinda funny.