Hip problems since using oly shoes?

Hi guys,

I’ve been experiencing some hip pain when reaching depth in the lowbar squat. Couple of weeks into novice LP i bought weightlifting shoes and after using these once but my hips started acting up. The pain is around the groin area.

Strangely enough, the pain is not as bad when using flat shoes, although this might be placebo. I really like using the weightlifting shoes tho.

Form vid for what its worth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxFDGkminvs&feature=youtu.be (100kg couple of weeks ago, I know my head shoots up, fixed that!)



Thanks for the post. A few things:

  1. Your stance looks to be a bit too wide here.
  2. You’re about 2" high, though the camera angle isn’t great for this.
  3. I don’t think LP is the appropriate program for you given the lack of autoregulation and hyper specificity in movement and intensity. I think these are far more likely to be contributory to your current issues than your shoes. Would recommend our Beginner Template instead.
  4. For future form checks, check out: Online Form Check - Barbell Medicine


Thanks Jordan, much appreciated!