Hip problems in squat since using oly shoes?

Hi guys,

Experiencing some pain in my hips while squatting (lowbar, SS). Especially when reaching depth and pushing up again. I’ve never had much trouble with my hips, but ever I bought weightlifting shoes I get this pain while squatting.

Im not sure if its the oly shoes or my form shitting the bed. It hurts quite a lot, especially when warming up.

Any tips/experiences for a newbie who just bought shoes?

EDIT: Form video, set of 100kg https://youtu.be/lxFDGkminvs (This is from a couple of weeks ago. I fixed the neck/head looking up thing. I know, its horrible. Will post another one on wednesday if needed)

Start with: “Pain in training: What do?”.
I wouldn’t think that your shoes are the cause of your hip pain.

Your stance looks awfully wide and could be the reason why you can’t squat to parallel here.

Thanks man, much appreciated!