How does stretching help me to sit in uncomfortable positions?


I just read this article ( because I was looking for an answer to this question: If I want to be able to do a split / sit comfortably cross-legged / go full-lotus to hit enlightenment / and so on, stretching and gradually building up to it seems so logical, but most things I read suggest that stretching doesn’t change any physiology.

So, re-reading that article, I saw this:

“Regarding “tight” muscles and range of motion: stretching is consistently demonstrated to alter perception (i.e., “feeling tight”) or tolerance to a position, but not actually altering tissue structure in a meaningful way.”

Is that the key? The only thing stopping me from immediately popping into a full-lotus is the feedback to my brain saying “this is uncomfortable” and all stretching does is change how I perceive that so I can get into a “deeper stretch” for lack of a better term?

Yes, stretching is altering perception of the area and tissue tolerance for the position. Performing the positions you mentioned is still requiring movement to get into the desired position. This is similar to squatting and not being used to going to the specified depth of hips below knees. Typically, people have the necessary range of motion but simply aren’t used to accessing the range.