Historically I have zero issues sleeping. I could fall asleep fast and routinely get 7 hours. For the last couple weeks I have been training for a 5k so my cardio has increased by a pretty wide margin. I’m logging 5-6 miles of running a week plus mountain and road biking. Since then my quality of sleep has gone downhill. I struggle to fall asleep before 11pm and I’m waking up by 4:30am. It could all just be coincidental but I’m wondering if there are any known links to lots of training and poor sleep quality ? And if so are there things I can do to change it ?
Short-term, relatively rapid increases in training volume can sometimes cause short-term sleep issues, though as you mentioned, this may be coincidental.
I don’t think you’re training too much per se’, but the relative increase may be poorly tolerated right now. You could ratchet down the volume a bit, try to keep exercise 4-5 hours prior to bed at minimum, and eliminate caffeine intake after 12pm to see if those help you out. You may also consider getting a coach to help mete out your training in a productive manner if this doesn’t work for you.
Right now training is no less than 7 hours from the time I’m in bed. A big part of it is a racing mind it seems. And now that I’ve piled on almost a week of terrible sleep I can’t seem to get my mind off it.
Yea I’m not sure that this is exercise related and while bouts of insomnia are very common in adults, you may benefit from speaking to a medical professional about these symptoms.