inter-set resting time

Powerbuilding template says stuff like “3-5 minute rest” between sets.

With all the covids, my gym moved to 90-minute “periods” that you have to sign up for. I’m kinda (not absolutely) limited to those periods.

To complete all the sets in one period, I been cutting the rest between sets to 2 minutes. Am I doing it wrong? (That is: wrong enough to worry about, or to try harder for something different?)

P.S. My follow-up questions in other threads, do not seem to be getting approved/posted.

Do what you gotta do to get your training in. I wouldn’t worry about it in this context.

I don’t see any other posts from you waiting to be approved, but we usually comb through posts 1x/day. Please be patient.

An example of the non-approved is from Feb 26, this thread: powerbuilding template - what are these exercises? - Training Q/A with Drs. Feigenbaum & Baraki - Barbell Medicine Forum

It’s OK if you just didn’t feel they added anything… I’ve moderated a forum before, I get it :wink: … only wanted to make sure that it was nothing like any software issue, personal issue, etc.

It’s just a few pages back and sometimes we don’t go back that far to approve stuff. In general, if the post is a few days old and the question is different than the OP, I’d just start a new thread.