Is Weight Training in the morning safe?

Due to my busy schedule and trying to balance family life commitments, I have decided to shift to working out in the morning - around 6am. I have read online article/post that advises against heavy back workouts in the morning - atleast until an hour or two has passed after waking up.

Quoting from Stuart McGill, author of books on back pain and back training, “… the inter-vertebral disks are highly hydrated upon rising from bed; the annulus is subjected to much higher stresses during bending under these conditions. The end plates fail at lower compression loads as well. Thus, performing spine-bending maneuvers at this time of day is unwise. Because the discs generally lose 90% of the fluid they will lose over the course of a day within the first hour after rising from bed, we suggest simply avoiding this period for … bending exercise either for rehabilitation or performance training.” (p. 51, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, 3rd ed)

I just wanted to get Dr. Jordan / Dr. Austin’s feedback on this. Has modern research proved otherwise or does this still hold true ? Please advice. Many Thanks.

We do not agree with Stuart McGill’s descriptions of back pain etiology, “rehabilitation”, and training management and ultimately think they are harmful. He has no research supporting that statement here.

If you want to train in the AM that’ll be fine. Make sure and tell Dr. McGill.


I take it as long as I properly warm up then it should be fine - this applies to anytime I work out - regardless of AM or PM. Dr. Jordan, thank you very much for the prompt response.

I’ve been lifting the last year and a half , starting at 545am and have had no issues just throwing that out there