jask558 The Bridge training log

Hi everyone,

I am starting the Bridge on Monday.

Training history and stats: I have done bro-splits, Stronglifts and Madcow before. My 5 rms after Stronglifts were 95 kg squat, 80 kg bench, 130 kg deadlift and 50 kg press. 5 rms after Madcow were 120 kg squat, 92.5 kg bench, 145 kg deadlift and 57.5 kg press. Before Stronglifts I weighted 70 kg at 185 cm.

This week I stalled with Madcow. I was supposed to get new 5 rms but I got squat 125 kg x 4, bench 95 kg x 4 and deadlift 150 kg x 4. Got new 4rms thought. Today I didn’t do Fridays workout, instead I decited to test some 1 rms. Obviously testing 1 rms today was not optimal but I wanted to see where I am at before starting a new program. Attempts didn’t go as planned.

Squat attempt 1: 125 kg ✓
attempt 2: 140 kg fail (bad attempt selection?)
attempt 3: 135 kg fail

Bench attempt 1: 100 kg ✓ (I got 100 kg first time when my 5 rm was 87.5 kg)
attempt 2: 105 kg fail
attempt 3: 105 kg fail

Deadlift attempt 1: 150 kg ✓
attempt 2: 160 kg ✓ (I got 160 kg first time when my 5 rm was 140 kg)
attempt 3: 170 kg fail


squat 150 kg

bench 110 kg

sumo deadlift 205 kg

strict press 75 kg

Monday 8.6.2020

Squat: 5@6 105 kg, 5@7 110 kg, 5@8 112,5 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: I used RPE estimate calculator for squats. My estimated 1rm is 140 kg based of 125 kg x 4 (even though I missed 140 kg on Friday). I just calculated percentages from 140 kg. RPE felt about right.

Close grip bench: 4@7 80 kg, 4@8 85 kg, 4@9 90 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: Finding right RPE was not easy here. I was stronger with close grip than I expected. My normal/wide bench grip is middle finger on the ring, now I used my press grip (the edge of the knurling*)*. I felt like controlling the weight was harder with a close crip and I am wondering if I accidentally used too much bounce. Last set @9 felt about right, next time I try to control the weight more if possible.

Rack pull, mid-shin (block pull for me): 7@6 120 kg, 7@7 125 kg, 7@8 140 kg

Equipment used: straps

Notes: Finding right RPE here was hard. Last set @8 felt about right.

Overall pretty good session even though finding right RPE was not easy.

Wednesday 10.6.2020

2ct paused squat 4@7 90 kg, 4@8 92.5 kg, 4@9 95 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: When you realise your 2ct paused squat without a belt is pretty much the same as your bench press. Maybe I could have gone a bit heavier but these felt awkward. I also could have used belt for these, staying tight would have been easier.

Press 5@6 50 kg (felt like @7), 5@7 52.5 kg (felt like @8), 5@8 55 kg (felt like @10)

Equipment used: wrist wraps and belt

Notes: I overshoot RPE here. I used RPE estimate calculator again. My estimated 1 rm is 67 kg based of 57.5 kg x 5. Percentages from 67 kg were too heavy today.


Equipment used: -

8@6 70 kg, 8@7 72.5 kg, 8@8 75 kg, 8@8 72.5 kg (felt like @7)

Notes: I propably could have done last set @8 with 75 kg but I played it save after overshooting RPE with press. After rows I did 2 sets of curls because gym buddy had some sets left.

I skipped GPP on Thursday, I will do it during weekend.

Friday 12.6.2020

Deadlift: 5@6 120 kg, 5@7 130 kg, 5@8 140 kg (felt like @8.5)

Equipment used: belt

Notes: I experimented with hook grip. Deadlifts felt ok today, I definitely had 1 more with 140 kg. I am not sure if I had 2 more.

Bench press: 5@6 80 kg, 5@7 85 kg, 5@8 90 kg (felt like @10, more about this in notes)

Equipment used: belt and wrist wraps for last set

Notes: PDF says 1ct paused bench. I read from BBM forums that you can do touch and go here as well. I decited to do tng because there are 2ct and 3ct paused bench presses later in this program. On my last set, first 4 reps were tng and I decited to do a 2ct pause with the last rep! That pause made the set feel like @10. I have seen lifters do this but that wasn’t a good idea here. I also experimented with a narrower grip because close grip went well on Monday. Today my grip was ring finger on the ring, previously it was middle finger on the ring. Felt ok, not sure if this was better than wider grip.

3-0-3 tempo squat 8@7 70 kg, 8@8 70 kg, 8@9 70 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: Wow, I really hated this variation. I felt like I was rushing the count and kept the weight same. RPE was hard to judge here because the weight is so submaximal but you are making it feel heavy. I would rather have done a beltless squat (there is beltless squat later in the program).

Monday 15.6.2020

squat 5@6 105 kg, 5@7 110 kg, 5@8 112,5 kg, 5@8 110 kg, 5@8 110 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: Progressive overload. More sets than last Monday.

close grip bench: 4@7 80 kg, 4@8 85 kg, 4@9 90 kg, 4@9 90 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: Progressive overload again. Close grip went surprisingly well again, I might have to experiment more with narrower grips with my normal bench. Last week I talked about posibly using too much bounce, today I lowered the weight slower. Spotter said there was no bounce.

block pull, mid-shin 7@6 120 kg, 7@7 130 kg (felt like @8), 7@8 120 kg (felt like @7), 7@8 130 kg

Equipment used: straps

Notes: Idk what happened. After second set I put 140 kg like last Monday. I couldn’t even get it off the blocks. I was propably tired from squats. After that I put 120 kg again, that moved easy. Last set with 130 kg felt about right.

About GPP: Last week I didn’t “have time” for GPP. At least I do 1 hour+ walks with dogs daily. When I get back to labour-type work again, it is some kind of GPP as well. But I really have to take GPP workouts more seriously, I actually used to do lots of chin ups during quarintine. My max was 16 in a row (they are not that hard when you weight 86 kg/189 lbs at 185 cm/6 feet 1 inces).

Wednesday 17.6.2020
2ct paused squat 4@7 95 kg (felt like @6), 4@8 100 kg (felt like @7), 4@9 110 kg, 4@9 110 kg

Equipment used: belt (except first set)

Notes: These went better than last week even though legs were pretty sore.

press 5@6 50 kg (felt like @6.5), 5@7 52.5 kg (felt like @7.5), 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg (felt like @8.5), 4@10 52.5 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps (I propably should have used belt here)

Notes: I tried to do all sets @8 with 52.5 kg. Failed with last set. 6 sets of press in one workout, wow!

barbell rows 8@6 70 kg, 8@7 72.5 kg, 8@8 75 kg, 8@8 75 kg, 8@8 75 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: Rows went well today.

I’ll do GPP on Saturday.

Friday 19.6.2020

deadlift 5@6 120 kg, 5@7 130 kg, 5@8 140 kg, 5@8 130 kg, 5@8 130 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: 5@8 with 140 kg felt good. For some reason, I didn’t get it off the floor on my next set so I dropped the weight. I quess I am not used to multiple deadlift sets. I used hook grip again, it felt better.

bench press 5@6 80 kg, 5@7 85 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8 90 kg (felt like @8.5), 5@8 90 kg (felt like @10), 5@8 85 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps (I didn’t bother to use a belt here)

Notes: I did tng bench again. Because close grip went well on Monday, I experimented with narrower grip: pinkie on the ring. Not sure if I was stronger with this grip but I have never done 3x5 with 90 kg. I dropped the weight for last set because 4th set was too heavy.

3-0-3 tempo squat Experimenting with 70 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: These are very hard to get down. Reps felt bad even with empty bar, no idea how light weights I should use. I felt like I was rushing the count again. Harderst part is going up slowly.

This is cool, I’ve just read your progress so far and you’re exactly a week ahead of me on The Bridge :slight_smile:

It’ll be really interesting seeing how you get on with this and comparing it with my experience. We’re not too far apart in height, but you’re a good deal heavier than me, whilst I have quite a few years on you. Very different strengths as well, with my deadlift esp, but also squat, being stronger than yours, but your pressing numbers quite a bit higher than mine.

GPP 20.6.2020

Chin ups in 7 min 33 reps

planks in 7 min 3 min

cardio 1 hour walk

Notes: I felt planks in my arms after chin ups. Whatever, I still have to increase my time as core was burning too.

Tuesday 23.6.2020

I continued working in warehouse again so I had to change training days due to schedule. I am unloading containers, boxes/furniture are usually 40 kg max. Unloading containers definitely effected Tuesday’s session. I also slept like 5 hours previous night because I wasn’t used to going to bed early (morning shift starts at 6 am, I have to wake up at 5 am). Maybe I could have been able to add weight without this extra fatique.

squat 5@6 105 kg, 5@7 110 kg (felt like @7.5), 5@8 110 kg, 5@8 110kg, 5@8 110 kg

Equipment used: belt

close grip bench: 4@7 80 kg, 4@8 85 kg, 4@9 90 kg, 4@9 90 kg (felt like @10)

Equipment used: wrist wraps

block pull 7@6 110 kg, 7@7 115 kg, 7@8 130 kg, 5@6 140 kg (plates rolled off from blocks lol)

Equipment used: straps

Notes: I took these light, maybe a bit too light. I was pretty tired at this point. I added weight for last set. It moved well but somehow plates rolled off from blocks. I decited to stop there as I was tired.

GPP is coming on Saturday and workout 3 is coming on Sunday.

Friday 26.6.2020

2ct paused squat 4@7 100 kg, 4@8 105 kg, 4@9 110 kg, 4@9 110 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: First sets were heavier than last week.

press 5@6 47.5 kg, 5@7 50 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg (felt like @8.5)

Equipment used: wrist wraps and belt for sets @8

Notes: Weight selection was good, better than last week.

barbell rows 8@6 70 kg, 8@7 75 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: Rows went well today, I increased the weight.

GPP 27.6.2020
Chin ups in 7 min 35 reps

Notes: 2 more than last time

Planks in 7 min 3 min

Notes: I felt planks in shoulders and arms again, wondering if my elbows were too wide. But core was burning too.

Curls in 7 min with 15 kg dumbells 34 reps

Notes: I added some arm work, I think I need it.

Cardio Unloading containers and walking daily is good cardio.

Sunday 28.6.2020

deadlift 5@6 120 kg, 5@7 130 kg, 5@8 140 kg, 5@8 140 kg, 5@8 140 kg (felt like @8.5)

Equipment used: belt

Notes: Deadlifts went better than last week.

bench 5@6 80 kg, 5@7 85 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8 90 kg (felt like @8.5 or @9), 4@10 90 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: I should have dropped to 85 kg for last set. I wanted to get all sets @8 with 90 kg.

3-0-3 tempo squat 8@6 60 kg, 8@7 65 kg, 8@8 70 kg, 8@8 70 kg

Equipment used: -

Notes: I still hate these.

About my bulk Morning weight is still around 85-86 kg. I feel like I am already eating enough but looks like I am not.

Tuesday 30.6.2020
squat 5@6 105 kg, 5@7 110 kg, 5@8 112.5 kg, 5@8 112.5 kg, 5@8.5 112.5 kg, 5@8.5 112.5 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: I did all sets @8 with 112.5 kg for the first time. Last 2 sets felt heavier.

close grip bench 4@7 80 kg, 4@8 85 kg, 4@9 90 kg, 4@9 90 kg, 4@9.5 90 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: I did all sets @9 with 90 kg, last set felt heavier.

block pull 7@7 120 kg, 7@8 125 kg, 7@9 130 kg, 7@9 130 kg

Equipment used: straps

Notes: Block pulls felt heavy today. I am not too worried about this because I hit 3x5 deadlift PR on Sunday and 4x5 squat PR before these.

About unloading containers I said furniture are usually 40 kg max… Let me introduce you to 80 kg soffas. Feels like strongman training even though there are 2 guys in one container.

Friday 3.7.2020

2ct paused squat 4@7 100 kg, 4@8 105 kg, 4@9 110 kg, 4@9 110 kg, 4@9 110 kg

Equipment used: belt

press 5@6 47.5 kg, 5@7 50 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8 52.5 kg, 5@8.5 52.5 kg, 5@8.5 52.5 kg

Equipment used: belt and wrist wraps

barbell rows 8@6 70 kg, 8@7 72.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg

Equipment used: -

Sunday 5.7.2020

deadlift 5@6 120 kg, 5@7 130 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: Best deadlift session so far. My 5 rm was 145 kg after Madcow, now I did 3x5 with 142.5 kg without any problem. First 2 sets were a bit low because I feel tight before deadlifts. Not a problem though. I can increase the weight in first 2 sets next time.

bench 5@6 80 kg, 5@7 85 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8.5 90 kg, 4@10 90 kg, 5@8 85 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: I tried to do all sets @8 with 90 kg again… Not a good idea because my 5 rm was 92.5 kg after Madcow. Hard to maintain weight on bar with 7 total sets! But bench is definitely improving too.

3-0-3 tempo squat 8@6 60 kg, 8@7 65 kg, 8@8 70 kg, 8@8 70 kg

Equipment used: -

About GPP I could have done GPP on Saturday, I was pretty tired form work and gym. I slept almost 10 hours on Saturday lol. GPP is coming on Monday. I did 1 hour walk on Saturday though, so I will do chins, abs and curls on Monday after work.

Sunday 5.7.2020

deadlift 5@6 120 kg, 5@7 130 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg, 5@8 142.5 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: 3x5 PR. First sets were a bit low because I feel tight before deadlifts. I can increase them next week.

bench 5@6 80 kg, 5@7 85 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8 90 kg, 5@8.5 90 kg, 4@10 90 kg, 5@8 85 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: I tried to do all sets @8 with 90 kg again. Hard to maintain weight on bar with 7 total sets!

3-0-3 tempo squat 8@6 60 kg, 8@7 65 kg, 8@8 70 kg, 8@8 70 kg

Ha, I definitely understand the ego part, it’s hard to battle against at times!

On the RPE point, though, I meant how do you decide after a set whether it was @ 8, 8.5, 9, etc?

Wednesday 8.7.2020

squat 4@6 107.5 kg, 4@7 112.5 kg, 4@8 115 kg, 4@8 115 kg, 4@8.5 115 kg

Equipment used: belt

3ct paused bench 4@7 80 kg, 4@8 85 kg, 4@9 90 kg, 4@10 90 kg (Missgroove)

Equipment used: wrist wraps

Notes: First set @9 was pretty good, I had one rep in reserve for sure. I missgrooved with my last set, probably because 3ct paused bench is a new excerise. I have experimented with 1-2ct pauses though.

2ct paused deadlift 1" off the floor 4@7 100 kg (I paused too high, too light for @7), 4@8 100 kg (not @8 really), 4@9 120 kg, 4@9 120 kg

Equipment used: straps

Notes: I practiced technique with first 2 sets. I can increase them next week.

Friday 10.7.2020
pin squat 4@7 100 kg, 4@8 102.5 kg, 2@10 105 kg (missgroove), 4@7.5 100 kg

Equipment used: belt

Notes: Wow, missgrooving really affects these. I dropped the weight for last set because I only got 2 but last set wasn’t @9.

press 4@6 50 kg, 4@6.5 52.5 kg, 4@8 57.5 kg, 4@8 57.5 kg, 4@8.5 57.5 kg, 4@8 55 kg, 4@8 55 kg

Equipment used: wrist wraps and belt

Notes: 57.5 kg was my old 5 rm. Now it didn’t feel like 5 rm at all. Wrisp wraps broke after last set with 57.5 kg, looks like buying the cheapest wirst wraps is not a good idea. For me, wrist wraps don’t really make a difference but I am going to buy new ones because many lifters recommend using wrist wraps.

barbell rows 8@6 70 kg, 8@7 75 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg, 8@8 77.5 kg

Equipment used: -

About GPP This week I counted work as GPP. I might do chins, abs and curls during weekend though.