Debates on weather its actually A.I or expert system aside, I’m curious if BBM has any plans for a similar approach. To my eye at least, looks like a bridge - no pun intended - between personalized training and just downloading a template.
Some of our Excel data can already be used this way, but it’s hard to package and it’s not really clear if it’s helping outcomes over just the template. Never say never, of course.
I personally think that A.I. coaching could eventually be something useful. Though to be fair, Juggernaut’s version isn’t really A.I. so much as it is just a ton of crude if/else statements mocked up in Excel. A.I. is more of a marketing buzzword than anything in that case. But if we get to the point where someone can actually gather the funding and data to build a true machine learning system that can actually learn and adjust over time based on the data it collects not just individually, but across the population, I think it would be very interesting.
The biggest challenge with ML is that you really need a super large data set to work with. The smaller the data set is, the more prone it is to error. That requires manually collecting a ton of baseline data to start with (which is neither easy nor cheap), as well as recruiting a large population of users to continue providing ongoing data so the system has enough data to actually be able to draw some reasonably accurate probabilities.