Hi! Dr. Jordan - ever get a chance to try the Kabuki Transformer bar? Find its theory tempting, but am somewhat wary of any swiss army knife-engineering - when a single tool tries to be everything to everybody.
You had previously mentioned that Rogue offers a solid SSB with the additional benefit of high-level customer service plus a sizeable savings, so am curious to hear how you compare them.
Also, if I may, where would you place a duffalo bar in this quest to find an alternative to a straight squat bar.
Interested in finding shoulder relief (mid-70s…shoulders feel even older) and my training goal is to just keep the wolves of aging at bay. Ever so appreciative for any feedback and guidance you might offer.
Ending with another heartfelt appeal for a Southern California seminar – Please! Please! Please!
Yea I don’t love the transformer bar. I get the theory, but in practice I didn’t love using it.
I don’t particularly have an opinion on the duffalo bar outside of if you have shoulder pain with low bar and this implement helps you train around it, it may be useful. That said, I think a standard SSB is more useful for that situation anyway
I am interested in a cambered bar like the Duffalo bar because low bar squatting does bother my elbow (not bad). I kind waiting for Titan to come out with a version 2.0 on their bar simply because their first version which is out there now got fairly universal bad reviews. Their version 1 SSB got bad reviews and then the version 2 got good reviews and I am hoping their cambered bar follows that same path.
What the Duffalo bar supposedly does better than a SSB is to mimic the low bar squat with a standard bar. I have never used one so I cannot say how much it helps with the elbow or shoulder pain (I only have elbow pain from low bar squatting). I can say that the SSB does not bother my elbow at all so its good for that, but I lift substantially less (maybe 15%) with the SSB so there is that.
hi, FYI, the EliteFTS SSB and the Titan SSB V2 are less expensive than the Rogue and better reviewed. Don’t buy the EliteFTS SSB for full price, it goes on sale often.
I absolutely hated the the v1.0 Titan bar for an SSB and the 2.0 is a bit better, but I still don’t like it comparatively. That said, the price is good.
The duffalo bar does mimic the low bar squat better than a SSB if that’s important.
I’ve had the Elite SSB and can confirm it’s no better. It’s also 30 dollars more and has worst customer service. The rogue bar also goes on sale- occasionally with free shipping too. That said, I would agree that the price is a push here.
The Titan bar is okay, but I prefer the Rogue one.