Keep protein levels high?


Asian male here, 24yo, 216lbs, 40.25" around bellybutton.

Definitely lost track of myself this past year in gaining weight. Have done SSLP in the past (this time last year), and am just getting back into it this year, with past 1rm S/B/D/P at 375/225/405/155lbs.

I’m starting week 5 of The Bridge 1.0 – lifts are going well, seemingly back to previous strength levels, and I’m getting into the rhythm of tracking calories and macros via MyFitnessPal.

From what I’ve gathered over the past few weeks, I’m currently losing weight very slowly (<0.5lbs/wk) at 2300 cal/day. I want to be more aggressive, and want to cut to 1800cal/day.

For the most part, this drop in calories makes me worry about how I’ll get sufficient protein. I’m currently getting 215g protein/day. Should I continue to keep my protein this high during this cut, and if I do, any advice to keep my protein intake so high with this little calories?

Or any advice in general? I know I’m also beginning a second GPP day this week in the Bridge and that should help too. I know my priority is to get down to a healthy weight and waist circumference, and strength goals are secondary in the meantime.

Thanks for all you do,


I think 1.6g/kg is the lowest I would go if pressed, but I would probably keep you closer to 200g/day if I had my druthers.