Knee felt fine until 11/21
11/21 Training session had was a build up to a max 60 second effort on log at 90% of contest weight, and 1 50 ft duck walk w/ 3 power stairs. This was first time doing duck walk as recently changed event.
After felt general knee soreness but nothing out of the usual for post moving event training. On wake up of next day had restricted ROM. As of this moment I can do a half ROM air squat pain free, at the 1/4 squat point I get a pretty sharp pain show up in the knee. Pain symptoms show just above the knee cap, feels relatively deep. No pain symptoms when knee is not flexed, able to flex knee through full ROM with 2/10 discomfort when not load bearing, when load bearing it is like a 5/10 pain.
Any advice on managing training? I was on pace to have last heavy trainings on 11/24-25 and light event training on 11/30 prior to taper.
For context events training for are
Log for reps
Duck walk w/Power Stairs
Stone to Shoulder
Mas wrestling