Learning concurrent

So you have helped me change my stance on concurrent periodisation. I would be really interested in learning how to program this way. From what I’ve seen in all your templates I’ve looked at it’s basically 3 days a week first exercise is a comp exercise second exercise is a variation and third is another variation in a higher rep range. Again I know it’s more complex I’m really oversimplifying. However from knowledge concurrent periodisation is training multiple performance elements with separate progressions in different sessions in the same week. So for example a heavy day where you do lower reps and volume and then a volume day where you do more volume or a volume day and a dynamic work day or things along those lines. So my main. Point is from my understanding of concurrent training I’m not sure if your templates are concurrent.

Concurrent periodization means training multiple elements within the same block, not necessarily relegating them to their own day, though that’s another way to do it.

I’m not sure if this is a voice-to-text thing or similar, but if you have specific questions can you write them clearly with a question mark? That would be useful :slight_smile:

Okay got you sorry about forgetting basic punctuation I promise I’m not stupid haha.

  1. When doing concurrent periodization i assume that aren’t training every element because that seems impossible to program. Is this correct?
  2. If one is going to train all performance elements that you want to work on in that block in the same session would it basically be you do one exercise to work on one of the elements and then go to another exercise to work on the other element? for example working up to a triple rpe 8 to focus on maximal strength and then go over to a JM press or another press variation and do 4 sets of 6 to 8 or something like that to focus more on hypetrophy
  1. You could if you wanted. We typically don’t, given our preferences, audience, and goals for each template.
  2. Have you looked at our templates? They are good examples of how we do concurrent periodization.