Low B...until there's a cure.

I’ve never tested my 1RM on the bench press, but I ended SSLP at 187.5 lbs x 5 x 3.

So, I’ve heard Jordan say if you want to increase your bench, you need to bench more. In that spirit, I started adding 5 AMRAP bench sets at 135 lbs to my GPP days. It’s amazing how pumped up my arms and chest feel right afterwards.

I just ran this idea by Jordan on IG live and he said he would not consider this a useful way of increasing my bench numbers.

So the question is: What is a useful way to increase my bench while running The Bridge (Currently on Week 3). I realize the program will increase my bench already, but is there a way to maximize my progress with extra work, i.e. benching more?

Or should I just be content to do the program as written for now and risk the fact that my children may discover that their own father cannot even bench 2 plates for reps?

I would get through the program as written first and re-assess your situation at that point.

Patience … you will bench 2 plates.

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Echoing the coaches; I ended my LP at 182.5x5x3 for bench.
Then I did a TM style setup and inside of two months I displayed 220x1. Since then, less than two months from that performance, my last comp bench day (two days ago) was 213x1@7.5-8, 180x5x5 easy.

Patience and practice win.

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