Low Back Pain Report from the Lancet

Hi Doctors,

Not a question, but some info about lower back pain that could be of interest to other forum users. A major report by the Lancet corroborates what you have been recommending to us about treating lower back pain.

Rest, imaging, surgery and drugs don’t help. Exercise and positive psychosocial factors do. Cool!


The timing of the report is interesting for me, as I hurt my lower back on Tuesday doing heavy block pulls. Felt something tweak during the third rep of 5 @ RPE 9. Couldn’t stand up properly due to pain and stiffness after.

I’ve been following your advice from the forum and videos. I.e. don’t panic, don’t feel sorry for yourself and keep moving. Got to the gym yesterday and started walking on the treadmill. Hurt at first, then the pain eased. Did some elliptical, which felt better. Then some squats and RDLs with an empty bar, which felt pretty good. Still hurts today, but better than yesterday. My goal is to be training normally by Monday. Thanks for all you do!

Glad to hear you were able to put this into practice for yourself.

Thanks. In the past I would have rested at home worrying about doing more ‘damage’.

You’ve given me the confidence and knowledge to trust my body’s robustness and to actively try to heal myself.