Hello, I recently tweaked my low back and I’m looking for some advice. Some information about myself: I’m a lifter, and I graduated the SS novice LP about 6mths ago. I’m a male, 215lbs, 6ft tall, and 36 years old. This past Thursday I was moving an old TV that weighed ~150lbs, so not too heavy but it was very awkward due to it’s dimensions. So I had to drag it on a towel part of the way, and as I was doing so I felt a tweak in my back. It was somewhere between a dull and sharp pain with a resulting spasm and stiffness. The next day it felt stiff but the acute pain was lesser, so following the advice in Alan Thrall’s video “I hurt my back,” I started doing some air deadlifts. I did 3 sets of 15 that day. The next day felt even better, So I did the same schema using a 20 kettle bell. On Sunday it felt even better so decided to train using the barbell. I used 135 for 3x5 with only mild discomfort. Followed by chest assisted rows with 45lbs for 310, and cable chins using 100lbs for 310.
I think I over did it because the next day I was very stiff and painful. I have pain in my low back when I walk, and it’s worsened by sitting. It’s also painful bending over. It’s also referring some pain to the right front of my pelvis. Laying down seems to help. And I have sharp pain in my lower back when I do the lying straight leg raise test. Since Sunday, I’ve been doing some airs squats (very upright) and those actually seem to help with the pain for a brief period. And I’ve now read Dr. Baraki’s SS article on aches and pains, so for the last couple days I’ve added back in some air deadlifts where I try to get a little lower with each rep going slowly and now I’m getting to mid shin with my finger tips just to go through that ROM. Of course it’s hard to be objective with myself but I can definitely see where kinesiophobia may be playing a role here given my reluctance to stoop and bend. Any advice would be awesome.