Low TAG:HDL ratio

A client got their lipids done with a company called Medichecks and everything looks good. Low end HDL does not seems to be an issue as far as I am aware, however this has given rise to a marker they track called TAG: HDL ratio.

Normal end TAGs and Low end HDL mean his TAG:HDL ratio is extremely high and in the “RED”. I know you guys have talked about issues with these color codings, but is there any need to have a TAG:HDL ratio? I’ve never heard of it.

An elevated TG/HDL-c ratio can be suggestive of underlying insulin resistance (which has implications for LDL particle numbers). It can also be seen in situations of anabolic steroid use or other conditions that cause HDL-c to drop very low. However, outside of using it as a quick “screen” for these potential issues, lipid panel ratios are not particularly useful as a direct target of treatment.

Hi Austin, appreciate it. I think ApoB would have been more suitable but it’s relatively uncommon in the UK. I am unaware of any blood glucose measurements but the individual has a waist to height ratio north of 0.5, so I poorer insulin sensitivity wouldn’t be surprising. Do you have any articles / reading on how insulin sensitivity affects LDL particle count?

There is a lot out there if you search for the impact of insulin resistance on blood lipids, or mechanisms of atherogenic dyslipidemia. Here is an example: New Perspectives on Atherogenic Dyslipidaemia and Cardiovascular Disease - PMC