My recent lipid panel

Hi Doctors,
I recently had a routine physical done at my primary care doctor. I haven’t been to them for years and now that I’m over 40 I decided to check in with them. They had me get a health screen of bloodwork done. One item stuck out. My HDL is at 38 mg/dL ( which is shown as low). The research I have done says that anything under 40 puts me at risk for heart desease. However the ratio of Cholesterol to HDL is 3.0 (which shows as being good). Here are my numbers (all mg/dl)
total: 115
chol/HDL ratio:3.0
I am 41, 185-190 lbs, aprx 12-15%BF. Ive been training consistently for 8 years. My question is, should I be concerned with this HDL # when my overal total cholesterol is low? Is my total cholesterol to low and of concern? I appreciate any guidance you might offer.

Hi Adam – I don’t see anything to be concerned about here!

Thanks Austin!