lower back

I was nursing lower back pain for last couple of weeks due to my own error in judgment while doing RDLs. went too heavy but ultimately felt fine until the next day when my back stiffened up. its not my first rodeo so I got to moving around. doing air squats and deads. I felt like I nursed it back to health no problem during the following weeks. until today when I got to my seconded working set and my back gave out mid pull. it sorta felt like my lower back just gave out then reengaged mid way. I immediately started to move around did a few air squats and deadlifts. then some empty barbell squats and deads. I ultimately decided I would try to work up to 315 for single. I manged to pull 275 for 6 and 295 for 2 singles. I tried 315 but it wouldn’t budge off the floor.

be it that I’m following a template does anyone have any suggestions on how to work around an injury during a program?

Hey man, i think you did just fine. But personally if i missed my heavy single, i would just move onto the back off sets for the sake of time and not to hyper-focus on me missing the single or the pain. I personally would continue as nothing had happened, use RPE to guide your working weights. I have complete confidence that you’ll do great. Keep me/us updated.