Machine-Based Training

Hi guys,

I just wanted to get some advice on exercise selection. ### I have been doing powerlifting-focused training for the past ~1. 5 years. I want to take a break from powerlifting training so, in the next few weeks, I’m going to be switching to a more bodybuilding style of training for probably 8-12 months. I’m going to be doing high-bar squat, wide-grip bench, and deficit deadlift for my SBD movements instead of the usual competition-style lifts. But, for all the non-SBD exercises I want to primarily use machines/cables.

Do you think it’s ok to have everything except for three SBD exercises be machine/cable based? Is there any reason you would recommend keeping more free weight exercises? My focus for these blocks is going to be hypertrophy, but since I’m going to be coming back to powerlifting training in ~1 year, would it be better to have more barbell SBD slots, so I don’t lose the skill for those movements?

I’m guessing it probably doesn’t matter much, one way or the other, but I wanted to get your advice. Thanks, in advance, for any replies and thanks for all the great info that you guys put out!

Yes, that is completely fine.