Hi All,
currently doing HLM template and reached week 4 where back off sets are all supposed to go up. We recently had our 3rd child plus with the holidays I unsurprisingly was fatigued this week. Decided to re-do week 3s volume due to how fatigued I was feeling midway through first workout. Each day has been the same. My plan is to do week 4 next week.
My question is whether In a situation like this where one is feeling beat up from life circumstances/stress, would you recommend he/she does the amount of volume called for, and just make sure to pay close attention to RPE, or would you recommend doing what I did here and back volume off while still paying attention to RPE? In other words, should one go with the called for increase in volume even if feeling extra fatigued and expect the RPE to regulate the fatigue, or hold off on increasing volume to help adjust for fatigue? Or does it not really matter?
Hope this makes sense!