I have recently had increased levels of medial elbow pain from low bar squatting that is preventing me from pressing, benching, and squatting. My questions pertain to recovery.
It’s a chronic injury from low bar squatting. I have been training for two years, and very soon into my LP I had elbow pain from low bar squatting. It was on both elbows, on the medial side. Hiring a SSC, we’d alleviate most of it for a little while, then it would come back. But we continued pressing on with low bar position, to my detriment. (I’m no longer working with him.)
Recently, it had been bothering me just on one side and had gotten much worse. I switched to high bar, but it was too late, I can’t tolerate that either now. I tried the NSAID protocol, but I believe in the absence of the pain feedback I pissed it off more by training it heavy. It has deteriorated to the point where I can’t press, and only bench around 85lbs w/o pain (from 240). In addition to pain, there’s also a small pop that developed during the lower part of the descent on bench and press.
I haven’t seen a orthopedic doctor yet, but my symptoms seem to be consistent with a UCL problem, rather than Medial Epicondylitis. My grip is solid, I recently pulled a DL PR, and chins are barely a problem (near @10 sometimes hurts). No pain from poking/pressing fingers around in the area. No pain through normal, unloaded ROM.
Is it worth it to have imagining done at this point (at a large expense to me)? I’m thinking what you guys talk about for back injuries, that the only reason would be if I thought surgical intervention is necessary, but I can’t imagine it’s a full rupture of anything.
Which leads me to my next question, if I don’t get it professionally diagnosed: As a chronic, overuse type injury (assuming it isn’t a complete tear), are there differences to rehabbing this whether it’s a tendon or ligament issue?
I’m not sure where the balance is of training around it. Should avoid anything that aggravates it in the least, which basically means not training (even for a short time)? Or does it benefit healing from minor loading from DL/chins, and ridiculously light benching where I leave the workout with minor irritation that calms down a day or two after? I also have a SSB in the mail, which will allow me to squat again.
Grateful for any responses, Thanks!