What’s the latest and greatest stack?
creatine? what’s the word on the new kinds? akg etc etc etc
beta alanine?
hmb still?
fish oil ?
love me some nac for when i’m drinking too much
anything else good or nah?
10 tablespoons of cocoa for fat loss/cognitive improvements/ anti-oxidents?
5 brazil nuts for vitamin e?
bluberries/pomegranate juice for brain health over time?
curcumin for anti-inflammatory?
what’s the good bad and ugly?
My supplement recommendations for improved performance, see here: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/fo…al?view=thread
I wouldn’t take HMB, fish oil, NAC, cocoa, brazil nuts, fruit juice, or curcumin for health or performance benefits based on the current evidence.
I would not supplement vitamin D3 without a documented deficiency or insufficiency.
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We removed HMB from Peri-Rx about 2 years ago.
I don’t know who the “Dev Team” are, but data does not support taking either fish oil or curcumin. There appears to be some risk of harm with fish oil, in fact.
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Dev Team = Seal Team 6
I wouldn’t know you removed HMB as the linked photos to still had it included. Hence my confusion.
I’d be happy to tell Seal Team 6 that they’re taking nonsensical supplements and provide overwhelming data to show that, but they’d have to pay me for my time.
Ah, I see the the user-generated FAQ has the old GainzZz Rx label, which has been replaced by PeriRx (see our store) and does not have HMB.
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