Milk LP or cut and then continue LP (20% bodyfat)

I’m 22 years old, currently running SS. I’m just over 5 11 and weigh around 190 lbs. My waist measurement is just over 35 inches and I estimate my bf 20%. My lifts for SS the work sets are:
Squat- 150kg
Deadlift- 170kg
Bench press- 90kg
Press- 50kg
Powerclean - 80kg

I have not really reset on any my lifts so far apart from the press. I have milked LP in the past before having to stop lifting to roughly 175kg 3x5 squats, so I imagine I could still get some gains out of SS if I continued. I have no specific goals, just to be big and strong.

I planned on cutting now for a few months and then continuing starting strength after to finish up my noob gains. But I wondered whether it would be better to continue being fat as I am atm and milk the programme until I stall on the lifts, and then cut and switch to an intermediate programme once my cut is finished straight away. I don’t mind being this bodyfat but I think it may be a pain to get much fatter as I will have to cut for longer the fatter I get. Is this sensible?


Thanks for the post and I hope you’re doing well.

Sounds like you’re not really making “noob” gainzZz, but rather reclaiming previously developed strength given your previous 175 x 3 x 5.

In any event, I think there is likely NO DIFFERENCE in long term training outcomes if you run LP for another month or abandon ship right now. If you want to be leaner- we can do that via calorie restriction and ultimately that’s a decision for you. Life is too short you know?