Recently I’ve hit a wall in training the last 2 weeks have been slow moving and heavy. The first 7 weeks of this program I hit a PR almost everyday felt great and was flying through weight. I passed my all time deadlift PR on what felt like rpe 8 but the week after that my deadlift hit 495 and this week was 495 I couldn’t even complete the back off sets it felt so heavy. The assistant work I’ll be honest have grinded out some since it was heavy sets of 3. So I guess I’ll get to my question now, if all my lifts are deteriorating after hitting week after week of pr would this be due to thinking its rpe 9 when really its 10 or rpe 8 when it’s really 8? I’d like to fix it because I was hoping to hit my lifetime goal of 585 deadlift and I thought I was getting so close until last week. Thanks guys!
We don’t know anything about you or your current training.
If you’ve been overshooting the targets on a consistent basis, you will induce a bunch of unintended fatigue that can compromise your performance in the short term.
You may need a lower stress week.