Singles @8

Guys -

I have very limited experience with heavier singles and wanted to get some clarity here.

For the deadlift, I am starting to notice that I have more in the tank than I think I do. That is, as my deadlift approaches 500, the weight feels very heavy, but I’ve never done a true limit @10 max on a pull. That is, I’m having trouble determining at these weights whether or not I had one or two reps left in the tank, b/c it’s going to feel heavy regardless of the number of reps. Differentiating between an 8, 9, 10 for a single seems more difficult.

My initial plan was to just keep bumping the weight on the single @ 8 each week until i KNOW it’s not an 8 anymore.

Is there anything particularly wrong with “potentially” overshooting RPE on the singles in an effort to get better at them? I won’t really know what @10 is until I hit it, if that makes sense. I’ve never actually failed on a deadlift before. I’m at a point in training where my pull seems to be rocketing higher each week almost by accident.



I suppose this is fine in the short term.