After a COVID shutdown I am restarting the Beginner prescription. I’m on week two, and I am trying to follow the nutrition guidance but I am way off on my target.
Some background. 34 years old. 207 lbs, started with a 39" waist. My primarily goal with the Beginner prescription is to loose weight, and reduce my waist size.
So I am am targeting 110 grams protein, and 2,200 kcal a day. I generally hit the fruit and vegetable guidelines, but I ignore my fat vs carb macro count each day. Why, I don’t eat out, everything my wife and I eat is from scratch, I probably eat red meat once a week, and lean mean twice to three times a week. I eat two eggs a day, a lot of legumes, and a fair amount of dairy. I don’t weigh my food, but have been trying to gauge calories based in volume (a cup of cook pasta for example).
I have been tracking what I eat with my fitness pal for five weeks and have not lost any weight. I have lost an inch on my waist so I am not gaining. So the simple answer to my nutrition problem is am underestimating my intake. But I don’t think that’s the issue.
I take my macros from my fitness pal, plug them into the beginner template along with my weight. The calorie estimates from the template vs my fitness Pal are off by a lot. Usually 200 to 500 calories a day, and it can swing either direction. I believe one source of variance is that my fitness pal is community sourced, and the number may not be accurate. But the math to get calories from macros isn’t hard, that shouldn’t be off so damn much.
So I’m a little stuck. I don’t eat the same thing every day, my wife and I enjoy making food from scratch and trying a lot of new recepies. Weighing everything out will get cumbersome and lower my adherence. I can see it making sense if I was eating broccoli, chicken, and rice every meal, but I just don’t want to do that.
Is there a better way for me to estimate my calories, maybe switch programs? Or should I just reduce my calories coming in knowing that I will be generally overestimating my intake?