Neck Pain Post Press

Hey All,

I was pressing yesterday (nearing end of LP) for 5x3. I was somewhat fatigued/stressed from various life activities so RPE was about 9-9.5 for each set and just pushed through anyways.

Afterwards, a sharp pain developed in my left trap area whenever I turn my head right or left past about 45 degrees. It interfered with sleep and now with daily activities.

I know that there is likely no major “damage” occurring, that it will resolve fairly soon, etc. However, are there any recommended ways to get some pain relief for this sort of short term flare up? Even any of the less evidence based methods like trigger point “release”, taping etc?

I don’t mind experiencing pain, but this sort of neck pain does interfere with daily function so I am looking for ways to get back quicker (if this sort of pain comes up in the future). Thank you all in advance for your help!

Hey @jshiekhy , sorry to hear about the trap issue.

How are you feeling lately?
Typically - time, staying active, and not panicking or hyper-focusing on the issue tends to go a LONG ways. We actually don’t have a lot of evidence anything expedites healing.


Thanks for the reply. The neck gradually improved, I now have normal range of motion without pain.

Awesome! Glad things improved for you.

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