New Home gym Buildout Recommendations


Looking for help and advice on equipment for a home gym buildout. We are mainly using it for functional boxing training but are looking for a power rack for some strength options.
My first question comes in the way of Lat/Row pulls are they worth it ?
I am looking at options from: thegymrevolution webstore with a big difference in price from the ones with the Lat compared to without. I have the budget to get either but if its not worth the extra money then I’d go without.

Added to this I was looking to get Jammer arms, band pegs, dip bars, landmine attachment & front safety booms.

I am located in the U.K so would be interested in any advice, recommendations etc as not all items from the U.S market are available here like Sorinex.

Much appreciated and look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Hey, I’m a powerlifting guy, so I don’t know much about functional training for sports (e.g. boxing). The beauty of a home gym for powerlifing is that you can very effectively cover all the big strength training movements with a rack, bar(s), and plates. Outfitting a home gym for a large number of accessory movements gets tricky (and relatively expensive) pretty quickly. You really have to weigh the expense versus how often you will realistically use accessory movement equipment. I grabbed a landmine early on and never use it.

I personally think industrial gym lat pulldown equipment can be useful to either build up your strength to do body-weight pullups or to overload you if body-weight is too light. Cheaper home lat pulldown equipment can be kind of janky and a pain to use. They also are often too small to accommodate any real weight (if overload is your goal). As a home gym guy, I just do pullups. Your rack already comes with a pullup bar.

Just my two cents. good luck!

In my opinion, row / lat pull down, not worth it unless you cant do chins for some reason.
Dip bars can also double as pull up bars that give the movement a little more variation and grip work, worth it.
Safety booms? Maby. Or you could just set the pins to the desired height and work inside the rack. At least thats what I do.
Jammer arms. Meh. Same with band pegs.
Landmine, absolutely. Theres a multitude of exercise variations you can use them for. On my current program I use mine for belt squats and presses. sjalbrec may have one going cheap…
And get one of those el-cheapo ab wheels. Every home gym should have one.